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Car chip is not urgent? Japanese media revealed 4 major manufacturers reversed

Global shortage of automotive chips in the past serious problems, TSMC CEO Wei Zhejia has revealed that there are senior to TSMC urgently asked for 25 wafers, so he was quite dumbfounded, because the company received orders at least 25,000 pieces of the jump. However, the current tight supply and demand for chips has improved significantly, according to the Nikkei News, the world's four largest automotive chip makers, including Renesas Electronics, Infineon, NXP, STMicroelectronics and other inventory has returned to the level before the new crown epidemic, car manufacturers are expected to gradually resume production.

The report pointed out that the above four car manufacturers in 2022 during April to June inventory turnover of 3.48 months on average, almost equal to the annual average of 3.51 months in 2019, showing that the tight supply and demand situation for chips that lasted nearly two years has improved.

The report mentions that when the new crown pneumonia epidemic first broke out, the inventory turnover months swelled to 3.9 months in April~June 2020, and in the second half of 2020 due to the global chip shortage, the inventory turnover months decreased to 2.85 months in January~March 2021, which severely impacted the production of vehicle manufacturers.

The report pointed out that the tight supply and demand situation for chips has improved, but for each chip factory, inventory fears become pressure, because once the supply surplus, fears make trading conditions deteriorate.

In response to the chip market conditions, FOSS Treasurer Arno Antlitz said at the end of July, the second half of the chip supply shortage is expected to slow down.


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